Tips on participating in online classes

We follow up our top tips for teaching online class with tips for participating from home.

Photo of two female standing dancers with long hair, wearing t-shirts and jogging bottoms with side stripes dancing in the studio. They both put their weight onto the right leg, with knee bent, the other leg outstretched. The dancer on the left in the picture is nearer to the floor, her knee bent in a right angle; the other dancer is standing. Both are mid-move with their right arms stretched long overhead and their left arms across their body. Lucy and Hannah are sitting on the floor, observing. Behind them, all are reflected in the studio mirror. Photo by Chris Parkes.

Photo of two female standing dancers with long hair, wearing t-shirts and jogging bottoms with side stripes dancing in the studio. They both put their weight onto the right leg, with knee bent, the other leg outstretched. The dancer on the left in the picture is nearer to the floor, her knee bent in a right angle; the other dancer is standing. Both are mid-move with their right arms stretched long overhead and their left arms across their body. Lucy and Hannah are sitting on the floor, observing. Behind them, all are reflected in the studio mirror. Photo by Chris Parkes.

Participating in Classes

  • Get familiar with the platform you are taking classes on and ensure you prepare a little ahead, so you don’t need to rush to start class!
  • Take care of your own body and adapt ‘like a boss’!
  • Stay focused, it is really easy to wander off in the comfort of your own home. Make sure you make a zone for dance/moving and once you are in it; stay focused with the class.
  • Keep to a routine, find new things to do each day but always stick a routine of when you dance and when you finish to keep some structure for yourself
  • You get out as much as you put in, take responsibility for your own practice.
  • Interact with the teacher as much as you can, it builds the community feel and keeps the leader’s energy up too. This is opportunity to ask questions about the session of if there are any translations you’d like to ask about.

KEEP MOVING- I try to keep moving in the in-between times, as I find watching a screen difficult when I’m static. I find it better to keep mobilisation going when listening and watching.

MUSIC – Music and the beat give me energy… as always technology can be tricky so if you can’t hear very well it’s no one’s fault, but you can ask for the title of the music and play it your end as loud as you can without disturbing your neighbours so you feel like you’re moving in class with others

Credits: Alice Shepperson, Christian Brinklow, Hannah Sampson, KJ Mortimer, Nadenh Poan, Jannick Moth

Check out our tips on leading  online classes below: